Australia Indigenous Portrait
Tracking the Gaps
In this table, the gap or difference for Australia is the difference between the Indigenous rate in Australia and the non-Indigenous rates in Australia.
The gap or difference for NSW is the difference between the Indigenous and the non-Indigenous rates in NSW.
Gaps and differences Indigenous rate Indig rate change non-Indigenous rate Gap: Indig minus non-Indig change in gap
2011 2006 2001 2006–2011 2001–2006 2011 2006 2001 2011 2006 2001 2006–2011 2001–2006
The elder difference Indicator: % aged 65+ in population        
Australia 4% 3% 3% up 1% same 14% 13% 12% 10% less 10% less 9% less same 1% wider
NSW 4% 4% 3% same up 1% 15% 14% 13% 11% less 10% less 10% less 1% wider same
Aust diff from NSW same 1% less same 1% higher 1% lower 1% less 1% less 1% less 1% less same 1% less widened by 1% less widened by 1% more
The infant difference Indicator: % aged under 5 in population        
Australia 12% 12% 13% same dn 1% 6% 6% 6% 6% more 6% more 7% more same 1% less
NSW 12% 12% 13% same dn 1% 6% 6% 6% 6% more 6% more 7% more same 1% less
Aust diff from NSW same same same same same same same same same same same stayed the same closed by the same
The dependency difference Indicator: ratio of dependent age to working age        
Australia 1.52 1.44 1.38 up 6% up 4% 2.03 2.05 2.04 25% less 30% less 32% less 5% less 2% less
NSW 1.47 1.38 1.33 up 7% up 4% 1.96 2.00 2.00 25% less 31% less 34% less 6% less 3% less
Aust diff from NSW 0.05 more 0.06 more 0.05 more 1% lower 1% higher 0.07 more 0.05 more 0.04 more same 1% less 2% less closed by 1% less closed by 1% less
The single parent difference Indicator: % of families with children having one parent        
Australia 46% 46% 39% same up 7% 24% 24% 24% 22% more 22% more 15% more same 7% wider
NSW 49% 49% 41% same up 8% 24% 24% 24% 25% more 25% more 17% more same 8% wider
Aust diff from NSW 3% less 3% less 2% less same 1% lower same same same 3% less 3% less 2% less stayed the same widened by 1% less
The lone person difference Indicator: % of households with one person        
Australia 14% 14% 16% same dn 2% 25% 25% 25% 11% less 11% less 9% less same 2% wider
NSW 15% 14% 16% up 1% dn 2% 25% 24% 24% 10% less 10% less 8% less 0% wider 2% wider
Aust diff from NSW 1% less same same 1% lower same same 1% more 1% more 1% wider 1% wider 1% wider widened by the same widened by the same
The family size difference Indicator: average size of couple families with children        
Australia 4.5 4.5 4.5 same same 4.0 4.1 3.9 13% more 10% more 15% more 3% wider 5% less
NSW 4.4 4.3 4.3 up 2% same 4.1 4.1 3.9 7% more 5% more 10% more 2% wider 5% less
Aust diff from NSW 0.1 more 0.2 more 0.2 more 2% lower same 0.1 less same same 6% wider 5% wider 5% wider widened by 1% more closed by the same
Gaps and indicators Indigenous rate Indig rate change non-Indigenous rate Gap: Indig minus non-Indig change in gap
2011 2006 2001 2006–2011 2001–2006 2011 2006 2001 2011 2006 2001 2006–2011 2001–2006
The home ownership gap Indicator: % of households owning/buying their home        
Australia 36% 34% 32% up 2% up 2% 68% 69% 71% 32% less 35% less 39% less 3% less 4% less
NSW 39% 36% 36% up 3% same 67% 67% 69% 28% less 31% less 33% less 3% less 2% less
Aust diff from NSW 3% less 2% less 4% less 1% lower 2% higher 1% more 2% more 2% more 4% wider 4% wider 6% wider closed by the same closed by 2% more
The 'unhoused' gap Indicator: rate /'000 of people in improvised housing        
Australia 2.2 5.8 6.0 dn 3.6 dn 0.2 0.3 1.0 1.0 1.9 more 4.8 more 5.0 more 2.9 less 0.2 less
NSW 0.4 2.0 1.6 dn 1.6 up 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.4 0.2 wider 1.3 wider 1.2 wider 1.1 less 0.1 wider
Aust diff from NSW 1.8 more 3.8 more 4.4 more 2.0 lower 0.6 lower 0.1 more 0.3 more 0.6 more 1.7 more 3.5 more 3.8 more closed by 1.8 more closed by 0.3 more
The institutional gap Indicator: rate /'000 of residents in non-private dwellings        
Australia 32 44 39 dn 12 up 5 17 28 25 15 more 16 more 14 more 1.0 less 2.0 wider
NSW 25 36 31 dn 11 up 6 16 27 25 9 more 9 more 6 more same 3.0 wider
Aust diff from NSW 7 more 8 more 9 more 1 lower 1 lower 1 more 1 more 1 more 6 wider 7 wider 8 wider closed by 1.0 more widened by 1.0 less
The personal income gap Indicator: median weekly income of adults (15+)        
Australia $362 $278 $250 up 30% up 11% $582 $471 $350 38% less 41% less 29% less 3% less 12% wider
NSW $375 $296 $250 up 27% up 18% $566 $464 $350 34% less 36% less 29% less 2% less 8% wider
Aust diff from NSW 3% less 6% less same 4% higher 7% lower 3% more 2% more same 4% wider 5% wider same closed by 1% more widened by 4% more
The household income gap Indicator: median income of households        
Australia $991 $791 $650 up 25% up 22% $1,241 $1,031 $750 20% less 23% less 13% less 3% less 10% wider
NSW $941 $727 $650 up 29% up 12% $1,247 $1,042 $900 25% less 30% less 28% less 6% less 2% wider
Aust diff from NSW 5% more 9% more same 4% lower 10% higher 0% less 1% less 17% less 4% less 7% less 14% less closed by 3% less widened by 8% more
The pre-school gap Indicator: % of infants under 5 in education        
Australia 18% 16% - up 2% - 20% 20% - 2% less 4% less - 2% less -
NSW 23% 20% - up 3% - 24% 24% - 1% less 4% less - 3% less -
Aust diff from NSW 5% less 4% less - 1% lower - 4% less 4% less - 1% wider 0% wider - closed by 1% less -
The teenage education gap Indicator: % of 15–19 year-olds in education        
Australia 52% 45% 46% up 7% dn 1% 75% 72% 73% 23% less 27% less 27% less 4% less same
NSW 59% 49% 53% up 10% dn 4% 78% 74% 75% 19% less 25% less 22% less 6% less 3% wider
Aust diff from NSW 7% less 4% less 7% less 3% lower 3% higher 3% less 2% less 2% less 4% wider 2% wider 5% wider closed by 2% less widened by 3% less
Gaps and indicators Indigenous rate Indig rate change non-Indigenous rate Gap: Indig minus non-Indig change in gap
2011 2006 2001 2006–2011 2001–2006 2011 2006 2001 2011 2006 2001 2006–2011 2001–2006
The schooling gap Indicator: % of 5-14 year olds in education        
Australia 85% 83% 87% up 2% dn 4% 93% 93% 95% 8% less 10% less 8% less 2% less 2% wider
NSW 86% 86% 90% same dn 4% 93% 92% 95% 7% less 6% less 5% less 1% wider 1% wider
Aust diff from NSW 1% less 3% less 3% less 2% higher same 0% less 1% more same 1% wider 4% wider 3% wider closed by 3% more widened by 1% more
The Year 12 gap Indicator: % of adults 15+ completed 12 years school        
Australia 25% 19% 18% up 6% up 1% 52% 45% 41% 27% less 26% less 23% less 1% wider 3% wider
NSW 24% 19% 17% up 5% up 2% 52% 45% 41% 28% less 26% less 24% less 2% wider 2% wider
Aust diff from NSW 1% more same 1% more 1% higher 1% lower same same same 1% less same 1% less widened by 1% less widened by 1% more
The schooling years gap Indicator: average number of years school of adults        
Australia 10.0 yrs 9.7 yrs 9.4 yrs +0.3 yrs +0.3 yrs 10.8 yrs 10.7 yrs 10.5 yrs -0.8 yrs -1.0 yrs -1.1 yrs 0.2 yrs less 0.1 yrs less
NSW 10.0 yrs 9.8 yrs 9.6 yrs +0.2 yrs +0.2 yrs 10.8 yrs 10.6 yrs 10.4 yrs -0.8 yrs -0.8 yrs -0.8 yrs same same
Aust diff from NSW same 0.1 yrs less 0.2 yrs less 10% higher 10% higher same 0.1 yrs more 0.1 yrs more same +0.2 yrs +0.3 yrs closed by 0.2 yrs more closed by 0.1 yrs more
The Internet gap Indicator: % of households with an Internet connection        
Australia 63% 40% 2% up 22% up 38% 77% 62% 6% 14% less 21% less 3% less 7% less 18% wider
NSW 66% 43% 2% up 23% up 41% 77% 62% 6% 11% less 19% less 3% less 8% less 15% wider
Aust diff from NSW 3% less 3% less 0% more 0% lower 3% lower 1% more 0% less 0% less 4% wider 3% wider 0% less closed by 1% less widened by 3% more
The disability gap Indicator: % of adults with a chronic, severe disability        
Australia 5.4% 4.3% - up 1.1% - 4.6% 4.1% - 1% more 0% more - 0.6% wider -
NSW 6.2% 5.0% - up 1.3% - 4.9% - - 1.3% more - - - -
Aust diff from NSW 0.8% less 0.7% less - 0.2% less - 0.2% less - - 0.6% less - - - -
The carer difference Indicator: % of adults with a chronic, severe disability        
Australia 13% 11% - up 1% - 11% 10% - 2% more 1% more - 0.6% wider -
NSW 14% 12% - up 1% - 11% - - 2% more - - - -
Aust diff from NSW 1% less 1% less - 0% higher - 1% less - - 0% less - - - -
Indigenous Portrait of Australia
Data tables
Indigenous residents of Aust, 2011 residents gender
% of population change 2006–2011 change 2001–2011
males females people Aust NSW local diff. Aust, 2006   NSW Aust, 2001   NSW
Aboriginal 244,028 251,729 495,757 1.03 F:M 2.3% 2.4% 0.1% less 407,698 up 22% up 26% 366,429 up 35% up 47%
Torres Strait Islander 15,806 15,601 31,407 1.01 M:F 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% more 29,517 up 6% dn 0% 26,046 up 21% up 13%
both Aboriginal & TSI 10,498 10,708 21,206 1.02 F:M 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% more 17,816 up 19% up 10% 17,528 up 21% dn 6%
Indigenous people 270,332 278,038 548,370 1.03 F:M 2.5% 2.5% 0.1% more 455,031 up 21% up 25% 410,003 up 34% up 44%
non-Indigenous residents 9,797,825 10,102,941 19,900,766 1.03 F:M 92.5% 92.5% 0.0% less 18,266,812 up 9% up 6% 17,591,489 up 13% up 8%
residents not saying 565,855 492,728 1,058,583 1.15 M:F 4.9% 5.0% 0.0% less 1,133,445 dn 7% dn 12% 767,757 up 38% up 18%
Total residents 10,634,012 10,873,707 21,507,719 1.02 F:M 100% 100%   19,855,288 up 8% up 6% 18,769,249 up 15% up 10%
The change over 2001–2011 is between the resident population in 2011 and the overnight population in 2001.   Source: Census 2011 Table I02, 2001 Table I02
How to read the data tables
Most of the tables in the report have the same arrangement, showing the number of Indigenous residents of Australia in each category (the rows), and the proportions and difference from:
  the non-Indigenous community,
  the Indigenous people in NSW, and
  the Indigenous community of Australia in 2006 and 2001.
In the tables, the 'Indig diff' is the proportion in the local Indigenous community minus that in the non-Indigenous community. The 'local diff' is the proportion in the local Indigenous people minus that in the wider Indigenous community. The 'change 06–11' column shows the proportions of Indigenous people locally in 2011 minus the proportions in 2006, unless otherwise stated. Where differences are less than 1%, they are shown as '0% more' if slightly positive, '0% less' if slightly negative. Note that percentages are rounded to the nearest number, and so when added may differ slightly from the Total shown.
Some people did not complete all the questions on the Census form; when this occurs, they are shown in the tables as 'not stated'. Where the number of people in a table of Census data is just a few, the number may have been randomly changed to protect privacy, generally to either 0 or 3. This means very small numbers are not accurate and some columns may not add up exactly.
The Gender Ratio is the ratio of the number of males to females.
If there are more males, the ratio (males ÷ females) is shown in blue, say, 1.5 M:F if 3 men and 2 women (or M if all males).
If there are more females, the ratio (females ÷ males) is shown in red say,
1.6 F:M if 8 women for 5 men (or F if all females).
The Gender ratio is shown as "
=" if numbers of males and females are equal. 
Census night population Indig in Australia, 2011 % residents, 2011 % residents, 2006
males females people gender
Indig in Aust non-Indig in Aust Indig in NSW non-Indig in NSW Indig in Aust non-Indig in Aust Indig in NSW non-Indig in NSW
At home on Census night 250,342 260,222 510,564 1.04 F:M 93% 96% 94% 96% 93% 96% 94% 96%
Elsewhere in Australia 19,992 17,815 37,807 1.12 M:F 7% 4% 6% 4% 7% 4% 6% 4%
residents 270,334 278,037 548,371 1.03 F:M 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
visitors 19,994 17,816 37,804 1.12 M:F 7% 4% 6% 4% 7% 4% 6% 4%
Source of visitors % visitors, 2011 % visitors, 2006
same locality 1,600 1,544 3,146 1.04 M:F 8% 3% 7% 4% 29% 14% 39% 20%
New South Wales 5,297 4,652 9,947 1.14 M:F 26% 28% 84% 75% 17% 24% 52% 58%
Victoria 1,214 995 2,217 1.22 M:F 6% 23% 2% 8% 4% 21% 2% 9%
Queensland 5,194 4,508 9,699 1.15 M:F 26% 21% 4% 7% 21% 18% 4% 6%
South Australia 1,165 1,072 2,236 1.09 M:F 6% 8% 1% 2% 4% 7% 0% 2%
Western Australia 2,976 2,543 5,523 1.17 M:F 15% 12% 1% 2% 11% 10% 1% 1%
Tasmania 572 435 1,013 1.31 M:F 3% 3% 0% 1% 2% 2% 0% 1%
the NT 1,800 1,895 3,697 1.05 F:M 10% 1% 1% 0% 11% 1% 0% 0%
the ACT 167 151 316 1.11 M:F 1% 2% 1% 2% 1% 2% 1% 2%
total visitors 19,994 17,816 37,804 1.12 M:F 37,804 875,328 10,373 237,084 30,850 792,137 8,154 221,330
Note: 'same locality' can refer to a smaller area in 2011 than 2006, causing the proportion from the same locality to fall.
There were 151 visitors from Other Territories included in table total (12 Indigenous).
Size of life stages Indig residents of Aust non-Indig in Aust Indigenous in NSW Indig change 2006–2011 Indig change 2001–2011
people gender ratio % pop'n % age group Indig. diff % age group local diff Aust, 2006   NSW Aust, 2001   NSW
infant (0–4 yrs) 67,414 1.04 M:F 12% 6% 6% more 12% 0% less 55,579 up 21% up 24% 52,861 up 28% up 35%
primary school (5–11 yrs) 90,938 1.04 M:F 17% 9% 8% more 17% 0% more 81,198 up 12% up 13% 78,183 up 16% up 22%
high school (12–17 yrs) 76,110 1.05 M:F 14% 8% 6% more 14% 1% less 65,883 up 16% up 21% 56,598 up 34% up 49%
CHILDREN 234,462 1.04 M:F 43% 23% 20% more 43% 1% less 202,660 up 16% up 19% 187,642 up 25% up 34%
young adults (18–24 yrs) 68,276 1.02 M:F 12% 9% 3% more 12% 0% more 54,491 up 25% up 31% 48,508 up 41% up 59%
adults (25–44 yrs) 139,485 1.10 F:M 25% 28% 3% less 24% 2% more 120,042 up 16% up 18% 114,036 up 22% up 27%
mature adults (45–64 yrs) 85,375 1.11 F:M 16% 26% 10% less 16% 1% less 62,693 up 36% up 41% 48,380 up 76% up 90%
PRIME AGE 293,136 1.07 F:M 53% 63% 10% less 52% 1% more 237,226 up 24% up 28% 210,924 up 39% up 49%
retiring (65+ yrs) 20,772 1.29 F:M 4% 14% 10% less 4% 0% less 15,130 up 37% up 49% 11,437 up 82% up 118%
Total 548,370 1.03 F:M 100% 100% SD= 8% 100% SD= 1% 455,016 up 21% up 25% 410,003 up 34% up 44%
Dependency ratio 65.9% 66% 49% 17% more 0.68 2% less 0.69 dn 3% dn 4% 0.73 dn 7% dn 7%
Working age per dependent: 1.52 1.52 2.03 51% less 1.47 5% more 1.44 up 7% 1.38 up 14%
Source: Census 2011 Table I02; 2001 Table I02. The Dependency ratio  is the number of working age per dependent aged uner 15 or 65+.
Age profile Indig residents of Aust non-Indig in Aust Indigenous in NSW Indig change 2006–2011 Indig change 2001–2011
people gender ratio % pop'n % age group Indig. diff % age group local diff Aust, 2006   NSW Aust, 2001   NSW
0–4 years 67,414 1.04 M:F 12% 6% 6% more 12% 0.1% less 55,579 up 21% up 24% 52,861 up 28% up 35%
5–9 years 64,935 1.05 M:F 12% 6% 6% more 12% 0.0% more 57,964 up 12% up 15% 56,483 up 15% up 21%
10–14 years 64,734 1.04 M:F 12% 6% 6% more 12% 0.2% less 57,590 up 12% up 14% 51,586 up 25% up 35%
15–19 years 59,200 1.07 M:F 11% 6% 4% more 11% 0.4% less 48,509 up 22% up 30% 42,256 up 40% up 58%
20–24 years 46,455 1.00 F:M 8% 7% 2% more 8% 0.4% more 37,509 up 24% up 29% 32,964 up 41% up 58%
25–29 years 38,804 1.06 F:M 7% 7% 0% more 6% 0.6% more 30,822 up 26% up 32% 32,560 up 19% up 25%
30–34 years 33,003 1.08 F:M 6% 7% 1% less 5% 0.6% more 31,467 up 5% up 5% 31,052 up 6% up 8%
35–39 years 34,073 1.10 F:M 6% 7% 1% less 6% 0.3% more 30,873 up 10% up 13% 27,338 up 25% up 29%
40–44 years 33,605 1.16 F:M 6% 7% 1% less 6% 0.1% more 26,880 up 25% up 26% 23,086 up 46% up 50%
45–49 years 28,818 1.11 F:M 5% 7% 2% less 5% 0.1% less 22,531 up 28% up 31% 18,293 up 58% up 69%
50–54 years 24,326 1.11 F:M 4% 7% 2% less 5% 0.3% less 17,981 up 35% up 43% 13,941 up 74% up 90%
55–59 years 18,639 1.10 F:M 3% 6% 3% less 4% 0.2% less 13,206 up 41% up 44% 9,264 up 101% up 109%
60–64 years 13,592 1.13 F:M 2% 6% 3% less 3% 0.2% less 8,975 up 51% up 59% 6,882 up 98% up 119%
65+ years 20,772 1.29 F:M 4% 14% 10% less 4% 0.4% less 15,130 up 37% up 49% 11,437 up 82% up 118%
Total 548,370 1.03 F:M 100% 100% SD= 4% 100% SD= 0.4% 455,016 up 21% up 25% 410,003 up 34% up 44%
Average age 26 yrs 39 yrs -13 yrs 27 yrs -1 yrs 25 yrs +1 yrs +2 yrs 24 yrs +2 yrs +3 yrs
Median age 21 yrs 38 yrs -17 yrs 21 yrs same 20 yrs +1 yrs +1 yrs 20 yrs +1 yrs +2 yrs
Differences are by subtraction from the local Indigenous result in 2011. The median age, calculated by the ABS, is the age where half the population are older and half are younger. The average age is calculated assuming 70 average for Indigenous people aged 65+ and 75 for non-Indigenous people.
Source: Census 2011 Table I03, I04; Census 2006 Table I03, I04; 2001 Tables I02, I29.
Size of generations Indig residents of Aust, 2011 non-Indig in Aust Indigenous in NSW Indig change 2006–2011 Indig change 2001–2011
people gender ratio % pop'n % pop'n Indig. diff % pop'n local diff Aust, 2006   NSW Aust, 2001   NSW
Veterans (aged 65+ in 2011) 20,772 1.29 F:M 4% 14% 10% less 4% 0% less 24,105 dn 14% dn 7% 27,583 dn 25% dn 14%
Baby-boomers (aged 50–64) 56,557 1.11 F:M 10% 19% 8% less 11% 1% less 53,718 up 5% up 12% 55,320 up 2% up 14%
Generation X (aged 35–49) 96,496 1.12 F:M 18% 21% 4% less 17% 0% more 89,220 up 8% up 14% 90,950 up 6% up 17%
Generation Y (aged 20–34) 118,262 1.04 F:M 22% 20% 1% more 20% 2% more 116,840 up 1% up 1% 126,806 dn 7% dn 5%
Generation Z (aged 5–19) 188,869 1.05 M:F 34% 19% 16% more 35% 1% less 171,133 up 10% up 14% 109,344 up 73% up 85%
infants (aged 0–5) 67,414 1.04 M:F 12% 6% 6% more 12% 0% less   not born     not born  
Total 548,370 1.03 F:M 100% 100% SD= 10% 100%   455,016 up 21% up 25% 410,003 up 34% up 44%
Source: Census 2011 Table I02; 2001 Table I02.
Statistically, generations are counted over the 15 years between four Censuses. The 'Baby-boomer' generation, for example, was born between 1946 and 1961. These people were 50–64 years old in 2011, and include many current Indigenous leaders. Before them were born the Wartime generations who are now the elders in Indigenous communities, aged over 65 in 2011.  Younger adults are members of generations often called Gen X (born 1961 to 1976) and Gen Y (born 1976 to 1991). They are the parents of the youmgest full generation, Gen Z, born  1991 to 2006. Infants born since since 2006, aged under 5 in 2011, form part of the next, unnamed Generation.
Proportion in education, by age Indig residents of Aust, 2011 non-Indig in Aust Indigenous in NSW Indig change 2006–2011 Indig change 2001–2011
people gender ratio % age group % age group Indig. diff % age group local diff Aust, 2006 Aust change NSW change Aust, 2001 Aust change NSW change
0–4 years 11,816 1.02 M:F 18% 20% 3% less 23% 5% less 16% up 1% up 2% n.a. n.a. n.a.
5–14 years 110,369 1.04 M:F 85% 93% 8% less 86% 1% less 83% up 2% up 1% 87% dn 2% dn 3%
15–19 years 30,910 1.01 F:M 52% 75% 23% less 59% 7% less 45% up 7% up 10% 46% up 6% up 6%
20–24 years 6,395 1.41 F:M 14% 38% 24% less 19% 5% less 12% up 2% up 4% n.a. n.a. n.a.
25+ years 14,026 2.11 F:M 6% 6% 0% more 7% 1% less 6% up 0% up 0% n.a. n.a. n.a.
all people 173,516 1.05 F:M 32% 24% 8% more 35% 3% less 31% up 0% up 1% n.a. n.a. n.a.
Attendance at education, by type Indig residents of Aust, 2011 non-Indig in Aust Indigenous in NSW Indig change 2006–2011 Indig change 2001–2011
people gender ratio % age group % age group Indig. diff % age group local diff Aust, 2006 Aust change NSW change Aust, 2001 Aust change NSW change
pre–school (4–5 yrs) 13,975 1.0 M:F 50% 61% 11% less 63% 13% less 11,365 up 23% 40% more 10,448 up 34% 67% more
primary school (6–11 yrs) 81,554 1.0 M:F 90% 96% 7% less 88% 1% more 71,731 up 14% 13% more 71,577 up 14% 16% more
high school (12–17 yrs) 50,985 1.0 M:F 67% 83% 16% less 74% 7% less 39,669 up 29% 37% more 34,734 up 47% 61% more
TAFE (15+ yrs) 13,211 1.4 F:M 4% 3% 1% more 5% 1% less 10,376 up 27% 27% more 12,458 up 6% 18% more
University / other (15+ yrs) 10,127 2.0 F:M 3% 6% 3% less 3% 0% less 7,056 up 44% 44% more 7,180 up 41% 62% more
Total 169,852 1.0 F:M           140,197 up 21%   136,397 up 25%  
The comparison age groups are: pre–school = 3–4 yrs; primary = 5–11 yrs; high = 12–17 yrs; TAFE/ Uni = 15+ yrs;.
Source: Census 2011 Table I10; 2001 Table I04.
Note that attendance ratios ('% of age group')can exceed 100% if children outside the comparison age group attend. For example, if some 5-year olds attend pre-school, the number attending could be larger than the number aged 3 to 4 years.
Years of schooling Indig residents of Aust, 2011 non-Indig in Aust Indigenous in NSW Indig change 2006–2011 Indig change 2001–2011
people gender ratio % 18+ % adults Indig. diff % adults local diff Aust, 2006 change NSW Aust, 2001 change NSW
Year 12 81,556 1.3 F:M 25% 52% 27% less 24% 1% more 55,094 up 48% up 50% 41,923 up 95% up 106%
Year 11 35,937 1.2 F:M 11% 9% 2% more 8% 3% more 30,532 up 18% up 15% 22,837 up 57% up 61%
Year 10 93,484 1.1 F:M 29% 22% 7% more 32% 4% less 79,451 up 18% up 22% 67,173 up 39% up 51%
Year 9 38,024 1.0 F:M 12% 6% 6% more 15% 3% less 37,243 up 2% up 3% 34,376 up 11% up 24%
Year 8 or below 36,941 1.1 M:F 11% 6% 5% more 10% 1% more 40,115 dn 8% up 1% 41,841 dn 12% dn 3%
no school 5,205 1.0 M:F 2% 1% 1% more 1% 1% more 6,139 dn 15% up 5% 7,399 dn 30% dn 5%
unstated 35,185 1.3 M:F 11% 4% 6% more 10% 1% more 35,340 dn 0% up 2% 20,863 up 69% up 70%
Total aged 15+ 326,332 1.1 F:M 100% 15459069   101002   283,914 up 15% up 18% 236,412 up 38% up 49%
Average years school 10.0 yrs 10.0 yrs 10.8 yrs 0.8 yrs less 10.0 yrs same 9.7 yrs 0.3 yrs more 9.4 yrs 0.6 yrs more
Includes those aged 15+, defined as adults. Average years schooling is calculated assuming 7 years for '8 years and under'. Source: Census 2011 Table I11; 2001 Table I05.
People with disabilities Indig residents of Aust, 2011 all in Aust, 2011 Indig in NSW, 2011 Aust Indig 2006 all in Aust, 2006 Indig in NSW, 2006
people gender ratio disability rate disability rate rate ratio disability rate local rate ratio disability rate diff. 06–11 disability rate diff. 06–11 NSW NSW
0–4 year-olds 951 1.7 M:F 1.4% 1.0% 1.4 : 1 1.9% 0.8 : 1 1.1% up 0.3% 0.9% up 0.1% 1.4% up 0.5%
5–14 year-olds 4,816 2.0 M:F 3.7% 2.6% 1.5 : 1 4.8% 0.8 : 1 2.6% up 1.1% 2.0% up 0.6% 3.4% up 1.4%
15–19 year-olds 1,897 1.6 M:F 3.2% 1.9% 1.7 : 1 3.9% 0.8 : 1 2.3% up 0.9% 1.5% up 0.5% 2.7% up 1.2%
20–24 year-olds 1,280 1.6 M:F 2.8% 1.4% 2.0 : 1 3.2% 0.9 : 1 2.1% up 0.6% 1.2% up 0.2% 2.6% up 0.6%
25–34 year-olds 2,161 1.2 M:F 3.0% 1.3% 2.3 : 1 3.7% 0.8 : 1 2.4% up 0.6% 1.2% up 0.1% 2.9% up 0.8%
35–44 year-olds 3,390 1.0 F:M 5.0% 2.0% 2.5 : 1 5.9% 0.9 : 1 4.4% up 0.6% 1.8% up 0.2% 5.3% up 0.6%
45–54 year-olds 4,676 1.1 F:M 8.8% 3.2% 2.7 : 1 9.9% 0.9 : 1 7.7% up 1.1% 2.8% up 0.4% 9.0% up 0.9%
55–64 year-olds 4,699 1.1 F:M 14.6% 5.4% 2.7 : 1 15.4% 0.9 : 1 13.5% up 1.1% 5.0% up 0.5% 14.2% up 1.2%
65+ year-olds 5,689 1.5 F:M 27.4% 17.8% 1.5 : 1 25.0% 1.1 : 1 25.9% up 1.5% 17.0% up 0.8% 23.3% up 1.7%
all residents 29,559 1.1 M:F 5.4% 4.6% 1.2 : 1 6.2% 0.9 : 1 4.3% up 1.1% 4.1% up 0.5% 5.0% up 1.3%
not stated' are included in the total for calculating percentages
People providing care Indig residents of Aust, 2011 all in Aust, 2011 Indig in NSW, 2011 Aust Indig 2006 all in Aust, 2006 Indig in NSW, 2006
people gender ratio % age group % age group rate ratio % age group local rate ratio disability rate diff. 06–11 disability rate diff. 06–11 NSW NSW
15–19 year-olds 4,131 1.2 F:M 7% 4% 1.6 : 1 7% 1.0 : 1 7% up 0% 4% up 0% 7% dn 0%
20–24 year-olds 4,513 1.5 F:M 10% 5% 1.8 : 1 10% 1.0 : 1 9% up 1% 5% up 0% 9% up 1%
25–34 year-olds 9,293 1.8 F:M 13% 7% 1.8 : 1 13% 1.0 : 1 12% up 1% 7% up 0% 12% up 1%
35–44 year-olds 10,976 1.8 F:M 16% 11% 1.4 : 1 18% 0.9 : 1 14% up 2% 11% up 1% 16% up 2%
45–54 year-olds 8,957 1.8 F:M 17% 15% 1.1 : 1 19% 0.9 : 1 15% up 2% 14% up 1% 17% up 2%
55–64 year-olds 5,203 1.7 F:M 16% 17% 0.9 : 1 17% 1.0 : 1 14% up 2% 16% up 2% 15% up 2%
65+ year-olds 2,255 1.4 F:M 11% 11% 1.0 : 1 11% 1.0 : 1 10% up 1% 9% up 1% 10% up 1%
  9% #DIV/0! - #DIV/0!
Total 45,328 1.7 F:M 13% 11% 1.2 : 1 14% 0.9 : 1 11% up 1% 10% up 1% 12% up 1%
Individual weekly income, 2011 Indig adults in Aust all Aust adults Indigenous in NSW Indig adults, Aust All adults in Aust Indig adults, NSW
people gender ratio % adults % adults Indig. diff % adults local diff men women men women men women
nil/negative 31,438 1.1 M:F 9% 8% 1% more 9% 0% less 10% 8% 7% 9% 9% 8%
$1–$199 39,249 1.2 F:M 11% 7% 4% more 11% 0% more 11% 12% 5% 9% 11% 11%
$200–$299 59,820 1.1 F:M 17% 10% 7% more 15% 2% more 17% 17% 9% 12% 15% 15%
$300–$399 42,846 1.6 F:M 12% 10% 2% more 13% 1% less 10% 15% 8% 12% 11% 15%
$400–$599 41,697 1.8 F:M 12% 12% 0% more 13% 1% less 9% 15% 9% 14% 10% 16%
$600–$799 33,004 1.1 F:M 9% 10% 1% less 10% 1% less 9% 10% 10% 11% 10% 10%
$800–$999 20,831 1.2 M:F 6% 8% 2% less 6% 0% less 7% 5% 9% 7% 7% 6%
$1,000+ 45,524 1.5 M:F 13% 26% 13% less 13% 0% more 16% 10% 34% 18% 16% 10%
not stated 36,872 1.4 M:F 10% 8% 3% more 10% 1% more 13% 8% 8% 7% 12% 8%
Total 351,281 1.1 F:M 100% 100% SD= 6% 100% SD= 1% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Average income $524  $801 35% less  $530 1% less $570 $484  $975 $636  $571 $493
Median Income $577   $362  $577 37% less  $375 3% less n.a. n.a.  n.a.  n.a.  n.a.  n.a.
Percentages include 'not stated'. Average incomes are calculated by multiplying the proportion in each income band by mid-point of band, using 1,500 for the 1,000+ band for indigenous, and more detailed data for high-income residents. The median income for 2011 is from the ABS. The 2001 median is the mid-point of the median range given by the ABS (eg 600-699 becomes 650). Source: Census 2011 Tables I04, I08 and B16; 2001 Table I08 and I29. 
Household weekly income, 2011 Aust Indig, 2011 non-Indig in Aust NSW Indig, 2011 non-Indig in NSW Incomes, 2006 % hholds in Aust, 2006 % hholds in NSW, 2006
households % hholds % hholds Indig diff. % hholds local diff % hholds Aust Indig diff. Indig non-Indig Indig non-Indig
nil/ negative 2,271 1% 1% 0% less 1% 0% less 1% 0% less nil/negative 1% 1% 1% 1%
$1– $199 4,633 2% 1% 1% more 2% 0% less 2% 1% more $1–$149 2% 1% 2% 1%
$200– $299 8,730 4% 3% 2% more 5% 0% less 3% 1% more $150–$249 6% 5% 7% 5%
$300– $399 12,482 6% 6% 0% less 7% 1% less 6% 0% less $250–$349 8% 7% 9% 7%
$400– $599 22,747 11% 9% 2% more 12% 1% less 9% 2% more $350–$499 6% 5% 6% 5%
$600– $799 22,263 11% 8% 2% more 11% 0% less 8% 2% more $500–$649 13% 10% 14% 10%
$800– $999 16,630 8% 8% 0% more 8% 0% less 8% 0% more $650–$799 7% 6% 7% 6%
$1,000– $1,249 17,861 9% 8% 1% more 8% 0% more 8% 1% more $800–$999 8% 7% 7% 7%
$1,250– $1,499 14,549 7% 7% 0% less 7% 0% more 7% 0% more $1,000–$1,399 15% 16% 14% 15%
$1,500– $1,999 20,738 10% 11% 1% less 10% 0% more 11% 1% less $1,400–$1,999 10% 14% 9% 13%
$2,000– $2,499 14,402 7% 8% 1% less 7% 0% more 8% 1% less $2,000–$2,499 4% 6% 4% 6%
$2,500– $2,999 9,476 5% 8% 3% less 4% 0% more 8% 3% less $2,500+ 4% 10% 4% 12%
$3,000 or more 11,358 5% 10% 5% less 5% 0% more 11% 6% less  
not stated 30,894 15% 11% 4% more 14% 1% more 10% 4% more not stated 16% 11% 15% 11%
total 209,034 100% 100% SD= 2% 100% SD= 0.4% 100% SD= 2% total 100% 100% 100% 100%
Average income $1,287 $1,555 17% less  $1,242 4% more $1,581 19% less $993 $1,226 $954 $1,262
Median Income $991 $1,241  $941 $1,247 $791 $1,031 $727 $1,042
Average Weekly Earnings, Australia Av. Weekly (Total) Earnings, AWE     50% of AWE 150 % of AWE
August 2001 August 2006 August 2011 change 01-11 change 06-11 2001 2006 2011 2001 2006 2011
male  $799  $996  $1,246 up 56% up 25%  $400  $500  $620  $1,200  $1,500  $1,870
females  $529  $649  $805 up 52% up 24%  $260  $320  $400  $790  $970  $1,200
all adult total earnings  $670  $832  $1,026 up 53% up 23%  $330  $420  $510  $1,000  $1,250  $1,540
female earnings as % male 66% 65% 65% dn 2% dn 1%
Source: ABS 6302.0 - Average Weekly Earnings, Australia, Nov 2011.
Average weekly incomes 2006 Indig residents, Aust, 2006 Average weekly incomes 2001 Indig residents, Aust, 2001
males females people gender ratio % people males females people gender ratio % people
negative / nil 11,673 11,581 23,254 1.0 M:F 8% negative / nil 8,137 8,171 16,308 1.0 F:M 7%
$1–$149 10,767 13,135 23,902 1.2 F:M 8% $1–$118   8,265 10,125 18,390 1.2 F:M 7%
$150–$249 33,661 36,658 70,319 1.1 F:M 25% $120–$198   35,972 32,997 68,969 1.1 M:F 28%
$250–$399 14,971 28,118 43,089 1.9 F:M 15% $200–$398   21,820 37,387 59,207 1.7 F:M 24%
$400–$599 15,368 21,308 36,676 1.4 F:M 13% $400–$598   14,800 16,313 31,113 1.1 F:M 12%
$600–$799 11,365 9,882 21,247 1.2 M:F 7% $600–$798   8,743 7,161 15,904 1.2 M:F 6%
$800–$999 7,301 5,481 12,782 1.3 M:F 5% $800–$998   4,348 2,809 7,157 1.5 M:F 3%
$1,000+ 12,541 7,034 19,575 1.8 M:F 7% $1,000+   5,349 2,613 7,962 2.0 M:F 3%
not stated 19,052 14,018 33,070 1.4 M:F 12% not stated   13,060 11,003 24,063 1.2 M:F 10%
Total 136,699 147,215 283,914 1.1 F:M 100% Total   120,494 128,579 249,073 1.1 F:M 100%
Average income $422 $363 $391 1.2 M:F $391 Av income $341 $306 $323 1.1 M:F $323
median income     $278     Median Income     $250 ($200 - $299)  
Note: the median income is given as a range and taken as the mid-point, which is approximate.
Types of households Aust Indig, 2011 non-Indig in Aust NSW Indig, 2011 Aust Indig, 2006 Aust Indig, 2001 Aust non-Indig NSW Indig
households % hholds % hholds Indig. diff % hholds local diff % hholds 2006–2011 % hholds 2001–2011 2006 2001 2006
couples without children 31,339 15% 27% 12% less 15% 0% more 14% up 1% 18% dn 3% 26% 27% 14%
couples with children 65,019 31% 32% 1% less 30% 1% more 32% dn 1% 42% dn 11% 32% 36% 31%
one-parent families 56,246 27% 10% 17% more 29% 2% less 28% dn 1% 27% dn 0% 10% 11% 30%
multi-family households 11,600 6% 2% 4% more 4% 1% more 5% up 0% 5% up 0% 1% 1% 4%
other types of families 4,421 2% 1% 1% more 2% 0% more 2% up 0% 2% dn 0% 1% 1% 2%
All family households 168,621 81% 71% 9% more 80% 1% more 81% dn 1% 94% dn 14% 71% 77% 81%
lone-person households 29,534 14% 25% 10% less 15% 1% less 13.8% up 0% 16% dn 2% 24.6% 25.1% 14%
group households 10,895 5% 4% 1% more 5% 0% more 5% up 0% n.a. n.a. 4% n.a. 5%
ALL HOUSEHOLDS 209,050 100% 7,551,275   73,910   166,671 up 25% 115,359   6,977,425 6,366,885 57,245
Average size of households Aust Indig, 2011 non-Indig in Aust NSW Indig, 2011 Aust Indig, 2006 Aust Indig, 2001 Aust non-Indig NSW Indig
households av. size av. size Indig. diff av. size local diff av. size 2006–2011 av. size 2001–2011 2006 2001 2006
couples with no children 31,339 2.2 2.1 5% bigger 2.1 1% bigger 2.2 up 0% 2.1 up 5% 2.0 2.0 2.1
couples with children 65,019 4.5 4.0 12% bigger 4.4 2% bigger 4.5 dn 0% 4.5 up 2% 4.1 3.9 4.3
one-parent families 56,246 3.4 2.8 23% bigger 3.4 2% bigger 3.4 dn 0% 3.3 up 3% 2.8 2.6 3.3
multi-family households 11,600 6.1 5.6 8% bigger 5.7 6% bigger 6.1 dn 1% 8.0 dn 24% 5.6 5.4 5.2
other types of families 4,421 2.5 2.3 8% bigger 2.4 5% bigger 2.6 dn 3% 2.4 up 5% 2.3 2.1 2.4
All family households 168,621 3.8 3.1 21% bigger 3.6 4% bigger 3.8 dn 1% 4.0 dn 6% 3.1 3.1 3.5
lone-person households 29,534 1.0 1.0 same 1.0 same 1.0 same 1.1 dn 12% 1.0 1.1 1.0
group households 10,895 2.4 2.4 0% smaller 2.4 3% bigger 2.4 dn 0% - - 2.4 n.a. 2.3
All households 209,050 3.3 2.6 29% bigger 3.2 4% bigger 3.4 dn 1% 3.6 dn 7% 2.6 2.6 3.1
Av people in 6+ households 24,281 7.0 7.0 same 7.0 same 7.0 same - - 7.0 n.a. 6.0
Average size of household calculated from number of persons (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6+) . Source: Census 2011 Table I12, 2006 Census Table I22 .
Equivalised size of households Indig in Aust non-Indig in Aust NSW Indig
2011 2006 2001 2011 2006 2001 2011 2006 2001
couples with no children 47,009 35,337 31,238 3,025,608 2,773,317 2,615,013 16,577 12,180 9,954 The equivalence factor derived using the 'modified OECD' equivalence scale is built up by allocating points to each person in a household. Taking the first adult in the household as having a weight of 1 point, each additional person who is 15 years or older is allocated 0.5 points, and each child under the age of 15 is allocated 0.3 points. Equivalised household income is derived by dividing total household income by a factor equal to the sum of the equivalence points allocated to the household members. The equivalised income of a lone person household is the same as its unequivalised income. The equivalised income of a household comprising more than one person lies between the total value and the per capita value of its unequivalised income.
couples with children 159,725 132,439 118,233 5,527,244 5,217,720 5,172,973 54,112 42,262 35,183
one-parent families 97,383 79,439 52,984 1,183,202 1,101,978 1,087,251 36,196 29,158 16,654
multi-family households 33,937 25,769 20,606 324,723 234,031 169,711 8,847 5,641 2,971
other types of families 7,325 5,840 4,164 146,158 135,101 132,432 2,303 1,721 1,092
All family households 345,379 278,824 227,224 10,206,935 9,462,147 9,177,379 118,034 90,961 65,855
lone-person households 29,534 23,030 18,220 1,859,170 1,717,450 1,597,993 11,167 8,143 6,048
group households 18,630 14,039   530,660 462,781   6,281 4,705  
All households 393,542 315,892 245,444 12,596,765 11,642,377 10,775,372 135,482 103,809 71,903
Av equivalised size 1.88 1.90 2.13 1.67 1.67 1.69 1.83 1.81 1.91
Types of accommodation Indig residents of Aust, 2011 non-Indig in Aust Indigenous in NSW Indig change 2006–2011 Indig change 2001–2011
people gender ratio % pop'n % pop'n Indig. diff % pop'n local diff Aust, 2006 change NSW Aust, 2001 change NSW
detached houses 427,423 1.1 F:M 84% 80% 4% more 83% 1% more 83% up 0.9% up 1.2% 82% up 2% up 1%
medium density housing 65,028 1.1 F:M 13% 18% 5% less 15% 2% less 12% up 0.6% up 0.1% 13% dn 0% dn 1%
improvised homes 1,130 1.2 M:F 0% 0% 0% more 0% 0% more 1% dn 0.4% dn 0.2% 1% dn 0% dn 0%
Occupied private dwellings 493,582 1.1 F:M 97% 98% 2% less 97% 1% less 96% up 1.2% up 1.1% 96% up 1% up 1%
non-private dwellings 16,353 2.7 M:F 3% 2% 2% more 3% 1% more 4% dn 1.2% dn 1.1% 4% dn 1% dn 1%
total people 509,935 1.0 F:M 100% 19,010,985   161,711   454,142 up 12%   409,817    
"Improvised homes"  Includes; tents and sleeping out. Medium density includes 'Semi-detached, row or terrace house, townhouse etc.', 'Flat, unit or apartment', 'Caravan, cabin, houseboat' and 'House or flat attached to a shop, office, etc.'.
This table includes only persons counted at their usual residence on Census Night. There were 37807 residents counted away that night.
Type of tenure: all tenures
Types of housing, all tenures Indig hholds, Aust, 2011 other hholds, Aust, 2011 Indig hholds, NSW, 2011 Indig hholds, Aust, 2006 Indig hholds, Aust, 2001 other households
number % all tenures % all tenures Indig. diff % all tenures local diff % of all tenures change, 2006–2011 % all tenures change, 2001–2011 Aust, 2006 Aust, 2001 NSW, 2011
detached houses 168,751 80.7% 75.4% 5.3% more 79.4% 1.3% more 80.8% dn 0.1% 80.0% up 0.7% 76.5% 77.8% 69.2%
semis / townhouses 16,436 7.9% 9.9% 2.1% less 8.7% 0.9% less 7.3% up 0.6% 6.9% up 1.0% 9.3% 8.7% 10.7%
flats or units 20,637 9.9% 13.7% 3.8% less 10.6% 0.8% less 9.4% up 0.5% 9.2% up 0.7% 13.1% 11.6% 19.1%
caravans or cabins 1,990 1.0% 0.6% 0.4% more 0.8% 0.2% more 1.2% dn 0.3% 1.7% dn 0.7% 0.7% 0.8% 0.5%
shacks 563 0.3% 0.0% 0.2% more 0.1% 0.2% more 1.0% dn 0.7% 1.2% dn 1.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0%
flats on shops 398 0.2% 0.2% 0.0% less 0.3% 0.1% less 0.2% dn 0.0% 0.3% dn 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.3%
unstated 272 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% more 0.1% 0.0% less 0.2% dn 0.0% 0.7% dn 0.6% 0.1% 0.7% 0.1%
all dwellings 209,050 100% 7,551,275 SD= 3% 73,910 SD= 1% 166,659 SD= 0% 115,359 SD= 1% 6,977,437 6,366,885 2,397,388
other dwellings 2,951 1.4% 0.8% 0.6% more 1.1% 0.3% more 2.4% dn 1.0% 3.2% dn 1.8% 1.0% 1.2% 0.8%
The 'other dwellings' in the last row of the table is the sum of caravans, shacks and flats on shops.
In the choice of tenures, 'unknown' tenure type includes 'other tenure type' and 'not stated'. Absentee landlords are persons not living in the dwelling.
Source: Census 2006 Tables I18; 2001 Table I23.
Type of dwelling: all dwellings
Tenure of all dwellings Indig hholds, Aust, 2011 other h'holds, Aust, 2011 Indig hholds in NSW 2011 Indig hholds, Aust, 2006 Indig in Aust, 2001 other households
all dwellings % of all dwellings % all dwellings Indig. diff % all dwellings local diff % of all dwellings change,
% all dwellings change 2001–2011 Aust, 2006 Aust, 2001 NSW, 2011
fully owned 23,331 11% 33% 21% less 13% 2% less 11% up 0% 13% dn 2% 35% 43% 34%
being purchased 51,759 25% 35% 10% less 26% 1% less 23% up 2% 19% up 5% 34% 28% 34%
rented 124,097 59% 29% 31% more 56% 3% more 60% dn 1% 61% dn 2% 27% 25% 29%
unknown 9,851 5% 3% 1% more 4% 0% more 6% dn 1% 7% dn 2% 4% 4% 3%
Total 209,038 100% 7,551,275 SD= 22% 73,910 SD= 2% 166,659 SD= 1% 115,359 SD= 4% 6,977,437 6,366,885 2,397,388
Types of rental landlords:
real estate agents 43,387 35% 55% 20% less 40% 5% less 31% 4% more 52% 59%
public housing 45,011 36% 12% 24% more 34% 2% more 33% 3% more 14% 14%
absentee landlords 17,452 14% 23% 9% less 14% 0% more 14% 0% more 24% 20%
community housing 9,881 8% 2% 6% more 7% 1% more 15% 7% less 2% 2%
other landlord 8,361 7% 7% 0% less 5% 1% more 7% 0% less 8% 6%
total rental 124,092 100% 100%   100%   100%       100%   100%
'Unknown' tenure type includes 'other tenure type' and 'not stated'. Absentee landlords are persons not living in the dwelling. Source: Census 2011 Tables I18; 2001 Table I23.
Type of Internet connection Aust Indig, 2011 non-Indig in Aust NSW Indig, 2011 Aust Indig, 2006 Aust Indig, 2001 Aust non-Indig NSW Indig
households % hholds % hholds Indig. diff % hholds local diff % hholds 2006–2011 % persons 2001–2011 2006 2001 2006
connected 131,345 63% 77% 14% less 66% 3% less 40% up 22% 9% up 54% 62% 29% 43%
not connected 65,668 31% 19% 44% more 29% 3% more 53% dn 22% 86% dn 55% 35% 69% 51%
unstated 12,036 6% 3% 59% more 5% 0% more 6% dn 1% 5% up 1% 3% 1% 6%
Type of internet connection
broadband 111,588 53% 70% 8% less 57% 4% less 24% up 29% - - 40% - 26%
dial-up 5,552 3% 3% 60% more 3% 0% less 15% dn 12% - - 22% - 16%
wireless or satelite 14,205 7% 4% 59% more 6% 1% more 1% up 6% - - 1% - 1%
All households 209,049 100% 7,551,275   73,909   166,655 up 25%     6,977,441   57,244
Note: the 2001 Census question was different . The proportion with a home connection in the table is the % of persons who used the Internet at home in 2001.
Changes in 5-year age groups (2011 ages) Indig residents of Aust Indig males in Aust Indig females in Aust non-Indig residents of Aust
persons in 2011 change since 2006 change since 2001 males in 2011 change since 2006 change since 2001 females in 2011 change since 2006 change since 2001 persons in 2011 change since 2006 change since 2001
0–4 years 67,414 up 67414 up 67414 34,367 up 34367 up 34367 33,047 up 33047 up 33047 1,282,738 up 1282738 up 1282738
5–9 years 64,935 up 9356 up 64935 33,187 up 4914 up 33187 31,748 up 4442 up 31748 1,222,112 up 92106 up 1222112
10–14 years 64,734 up 6770 up 11873 32,963 up 3352 up 6220 31,771 up 3418 up 5653 1,241,793 up 65961 up 118986
15–19 years 59,200 up 1610 up 2717 30,551 up 1049 up 1456 28,649 up 561 up 1261 1,282,019 up 46253 up 57132
20–24 years 46,455 dn 2054 dn 5131 23,213 dn 1670 dn 3409 23,242 dn 384 dn 1722 1,333,621 up 97058 up 96813
25–29 years 38,804 up 1295 dn 3452 18,878 up 218 dn 2425 19,926 up 1077 dn 1027 1,387,922 up 165802 up 152321
30–34 years 33,003 up 2181 up 39 15,875 up 952 dn 617 17,128 up 1229 up 656 1,345,762 up 181737 up 185247
35–39 years 34,073 up 2606 up 1513 16,235 up 1243 up 463 17,838 up 1363 up 1050 1,414,171 up 125686 up 176686
40–44 years 33,605 up 2732 up 2553 15,556 up 1163 up 869 18,049 up 1569 up 1684 1,438,346 up 80640 up 114165
45–49 years 28,818 up 1938 up 1480 13,627 up 996 up 743 15,191 up 942 up 737 1,407,494 up 38590 up 52422
50–54 years 24,326 up 1795 up 1240 11,537 up 851 up 401 12,789 up 944 up 839 1,357,678 up 6556 dn 9359
55–59 years 18,639 up 658 up 346 8,887 up 286 up 28 9,752 up 372 up 318 1,220,530 dn 10876 dn 36319
60–64 years 13,592 up 386 dn 349 6,377 up 116 dn 369 7,215 up 270 up 20 1,138,394 dn 20092 dn 57376
65+ years 20,772 dn 3333 dn 6811 9,080 dn 1571 dn 3535 11,692 dn 1762 dn 3276 2,828,185 dn 518228 dn 1046292
Total 548,370 up 93354 up 138367 270,333 up 46266 up 67379 278,037 up 47088 up 70988 19,900,765 up 1633931 up 2309276
Note Mortality rates for people aged 65+ over 5 years are about 25% for Indigenous people and 20% for non-Indigenous. For those aged 45 to 64, mortality rates over 5 years are about 9% for Indigenous and 4% for non-Indigenous. For 25-44, they are about 3% Vs 2%.
Contribution to population changes Indig in Aust non-Indig in Aust Unstated Indig status, Aust
change since 2006 % of change since 2006 % of change since 2001 % of change since 2006 % of change since 2001 % of total 2011 % of change since 2006 % of change since 2001
0–4 years up 100% 72% 49% 79% 56% 5.0% 95% 24%
5–9 years up 14% 10% 47% 6% 53% 4.8% 13% 22%
10–14 years up 10% 7% 9% 4% 5% 4.7% 14% 1%
15–19 years up 3% 2% 2% 3% 2% 4.6% 13% 5%
20–24 years dn 4% 2% 4% 6% 4% 5.5% 12% 11%
25–29 years up 3% 1% 2% 10% 7% 5.7% 2% 13%
30–34 years up 7% 2% 0% 11% 8% 5.2% 9% 9%
35–39 years up 8% 3% 1% 8% 8% 4.7% 10% 8%
40–44 years up 8% 3% 2% 5% 5% 4.6% 9% 8%
45–49 years up 7% 2% 1% 2% 2% 4.5% 11% 6%
50–54 years up 7% 2% 1% 0% 0% 4.5% 10% 6%
55–59 years up 4% 1% 0% 1% 2% 4.5% 11% 5%
60–64 years up 3% 0% 0% 1% 2% 4.5% 12% 5%
65+ years dn 16% 4% 5% 32% 45% 5.4% 92% 22%
Total up 17% 100% 100% 100% 100% 4.9% 100% 100%